Breast Newsletter December 2023: Edition 6
BREAST team ended the year extremely well with the success of our workshop at RANZCR in Brisbane, launching our new test set ‘Calcification’. We also presented work, both nationally and internationally, hosted an in-person training workshop in Vietnam, and acquired small funding grants to explore new areas in breast cancer detection with AI capabilities. If…
BREAST Newsletter December 2022: Edition 4
Our last newsletter for 2022 showcases our workshop success at RANZCR in Adelaide, our first conference in-person workshop for 2 years. We also outline Dr Yun Trieu securing funding to host a BREAST workshop in Vietnam, big congratulations. In this December issue, we also highlight her recent trip to Korea to present latest BREAST research and…
BREAST Newsletter July 2022: Edition 3
In this July newsletter, we are honoured in having our NBCF funding project be selected as 1 of 3 grants for the 2022 Women’s Day Classic! Our fabulous director, Prof Sarah Lewis, participated on the day with her family to raise awareness for where breast cancer research funding goes and its success. Well done! We also…