BREAST platform

The BREAST platform has two components:

  1. An online software known as BreastAustralia – an evidence-based training tool specially designed to assess and improve the diagnostic efficacy of radiologists, registrars, and medical imaging clinicians who read mammograms and digital breast tomosynthesis images; and
  2. High-quality breast screening test sets with DICOM files that can be installed and displayed in your mammo workstation for full-resolution viewing and navigation.

The BreastAustralia application allows clinicians to assess their performance on high-quality test sets in mammography and digital breast tomosynthesis in their own clinics. Our readers receive immediate feedback with scores in sensitivity, lesion sensitivity, specificity, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) and jack-knife alternative free-response receiver operating characteristic (JAFROC). Plus, readers are instantly provided with image files that show correct decisions and any errors they’ve made.

Individual clinicians can use BREAST for self-assessment and continuing professional improvement, and clinics can implement our systems to support their existing quality assurance activities.

Visit BreastAustralia at 

To see how BreastAustralia works, check out our video.


  • New BREAST test set alert:

    ‘High breast density’ was released at the BreastScreen Conference. In March 2024, the BREAST team ran a workshop at the BreastScreen conference in Canberra. We released our latest test set […]