Please meet the latest member of our team Dr Natacha Borecky!

Dr Natacha Borecky is a Doctor in Medicine and Specialist in Radiology graduated from the University Catholic of Brussels (UCL) in Belgium. She had worked several years in general radiology with a special interest in Breast Imaging in Switzerland before moving with her Australian family to Australia 20 years ago.

Dr Natacha Borecky

Natacha started working for BreastScreen NSW in July 2003 in Sydney West and around the country from NSW up to Broken Hill to deliver assessment clinic services to the remote areas. Currently, she is working for the Sydney Breast Clinic and for BreastScreen NSW, Tasmania and NT. She assisted in implementing the Screening Program in Norfolk Island 2 years ago and is currently the Designated Radiologist for BreastScreen NT and Norfolk Island.

She was an executive member of the ASBD for 7 years and became an Educational Affiliate at RANZCR in 2008. In September 2012, she went to Nijmegen (Holland) to be part of the international expert group working on a Mammography Test Set for the ICSN.

In the past 10 years, Natacha contributed to building of test sets for BREAST, the Gold Coast & the Leura test sets and participated in several studies with The University of Sydney. She has just finished the new NT Test Set for BREAST, which will be released this year at the College’s annual meeting in Melbourne.

In the past 10 years, I have contributed to the building of 2 Test Sets for BREAST, the Gold Coast & the Leura Test Sets and participated in several studies with Sydney With more than 15 years of experience working for BreastScreen, she has acquired a good understanding of the Screening Program, the NAS and the importance of training young radiologists in a specific but very rewarding speciality: Breast Imaging.


  • New BREAST test set alert:

    ‘High breast density’ was released at the BreastScreen Conference. In March 2024, the BREAST team ran a workshop at the BreastScreen conference in Canberra. We released our latest test set ‘High breast density’ which contains 60 cases and 2 CPD hours can be claimed. In addition, for the first time, we offered our sessions to…